When it comes to the best global clothing brands, Gucci must be at the top of the list, as it is considered one of the most famous brands in this field. Among the products that the Italian brand is proud to manufacture are the original Gucci bags that are available in Kuwait at discounted prices when purchased from Farfetch and using the Farfetch discount code, for example.
There is a lot of talk now about the original Gucci bags and their prices, because they are really eye-catching distinctive products offered by one of the most famous international brands. Many are trying to get discounted Gucci bags made of the most valuable types of leather and luxurious fabrics.
Jackie is a design taken this time from the sixties, originally named after Jackie Kennedy. It was reintroduced for fall and winter 2020 and achieved great success. The bag still maintains its curved half-moon shape, and a buckle closure, the bag includes an additional detachable shoulder strap to wear it in several ways. The colors and fabrics of these activewear are varied, giving you a variety of options.
One of the original Gucci bags is the Gucci Horsebit 1955, which comes with a shoulder strap made of shiny gold-coated metal. The bag has kept the same details that were first presented on the original bag, with the addition of some elements that add a sense of modernity. It is made of soft jacquard fabric with scalloped edges, soft brown leather, decorated with a shiny golden crystal bearing the Gucci brand logo. You can now buy the Gucci Horsebit 1955, taking advantage of the Net a Porter discount code 2025.
The Ophidia bag is reinvented in new and unexpected ways. This mini shoulder bag is designed in the house's signature GG Supreme canvas, with the traditional color combination of beige and ebony creating a distinctive contrast. This model of the original Gucci bag is sold with an adjustable leather strap and a detachable cloth belt. You can get discounted Gucci bags, whether they are Ovidia or other bags, by taking advantage of discount codes such as the Farfetch discount code or the Ounass discount code provided by Al Coupon, and through them you will be able to save a lot of money.
From the iconic monogram print to the striped woven strap and logo buckle, this luxurious Gucci Attache bag is crafted from durable coated canvas and trimmed with durable leather. The bag features a curved design in beige Supreme canvas, leather trim, palladium-finish hardware, and a cotton linen lining.
It is one of the eye-catching Gucci bags on the Ounass and Net-a-Porter stores that you can obtain by taking advantage of the Ounass discount code 2025 or the Net a Porter coupon code. The discount code enables you to purchase one of the most famous Gucci bags that comes with distinctive classic aesthetic touches, and is decorated with a metallic horse bridle in a shiny golden color. It is also made in Italy from the finest leather with an elegant design, a chain and a woven strap so you can carry it in different ways.
Like international brands, Gucci products are subject to imitation, as they are not difficult to copy and imitate. Therefore, when you decide to buy one of the Gucci bags, keep in mind that you know some information that tells you if the bags are original or not. Often, you are sold a fake bag at a high price. If you are interested in buying a Gucci bag and want to make sure that you are not buying a fake bag, here is some information that helps you know if the Gucci bag in your hands is original or not.
The first detail that must be taken into account when buying a bag from the most famous Italian brand is to make sure that it is made of perfect seams of the same size. You will notice that it is made with the smallest details. If you see any damage in the seams, then it is definitely a fake bag.
According to what was mentioned above, Gucci is one of the most prestigious brands in the world, and this means that all the raw materials with which the bag is manufactured are made of the finest materials available in the world, and the same applies to Gucci bags that are made of high-quality genuine leather. If you notice that the bag you liked is made of dubious leather material, it is definitely a fake.
Branding experts know a very simple trick that helps them distinguish between genuine and fake Gucci bags. They simply check if the zippers of the bag have the brand letters. If it has the Gucci letters, then it is an authentic bag.
One of the most famous symbols of the brand is its logo with double G letters, as is the case in the Louis Vuitton brand, Gucci prints its logo on many items in its bags, and to discover whether the bag is original or an imitation, you must look at three factors, which is that the logo is GG, because in most cases fakes put a C instead of a G, and the logo must be evenly distributed throughout the bag, and that there is nothing wrong with it.
There is another way to find out if the bag that you want to buy is an original Gucci product or not, which is to check if the bag says that it is manufactured in Italy. All Gucci bags are manufactured in Italy, so this must be indicated on the label, so avoid buying bags that say it is Made in China, Made in Turkey, Made in India, or any country other than Italy. You'll also find a serial number and the ® symbol near the Gucci logo on the other side.
Gucci is interested in all the details regarding its products, and for this reason the products are provided with an information booklet about the specifications of the product to be purchased. If you notice that there are spelling or grammatical errors in it, it is expected that the bag that you want to buy is not original.
One of the important indicators that helps you distinguish the original Gucci bags from the counterfeit is the price. If it is very cheap, then it is expected that the bag is a counterfeit.
The tips mentioned above definitely help you to know the original Gucci bags, but despite that, we advise you to buy luxury goods only from trusted stores only, as there are many online stores such as Farfetch, Ounass, Net a Porter and other stores that only sell original products from international brands. These stores provide discount codes such as the Net a Porter discount code that enables you to buy original Gucci bags at the cheapest possible prices.